Touchosc Bridge Mac
TouchOSC Bridge can help you exchange Open Sound Control and MIDI messages between the dedicated mobile app and a MIDI-compliant program installed on your computer, over Wi-Fi. Relying on the power. The touchoscbridge ROS node, which is composed of tabpage handlers. From TouchOSC is a modular OSC and MIDI control surface for iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad. It supports sending and receiving Open Sound Control messages over a Wi-Fi network using the UDP protocol.
I've setup loopMIDI to create virtual midi ports. These ports show up in Cubase but I can't figure out how TouchOSC is supposed to communicate with loopMIDI in the first place!
I've seen various YouTube videos with some helpful info, but most of it is geared for uses on a Mac, not Windows.
Any help would be appreciated.
1. OSCPad
Custom OSC Touchscreen layouts for Android.NEW! Supports loading TouchOSC layouts directly. This feature is in alpha, so the following restrictions apply:- no support yet for multi-buttons, multi-faders, timer, battery, encoder.- can only load the first page of the layout- font size is ignoredOSCPad lets users create their own touchscreen layouts......
Touchosc Editor

2. WorkCAD Designer
WorkCAD Designer is the sofware of WORK® designed to manage audio through TCP/IP and USB. It is suitable for many devices like the Digiline series and allows the independent control of each unit. WorkCAD Designer in action. The exclusive design of WorkCAD Designer provides great benefi ts for users. Units......
3. OSCillation
OSCillation, the new WORK PRO free software for Android and Windows PC, is an application for the control of devices through OSC Protocol. Users will be able to control several devices at the same time thanks to its multi-target capability.This application adds 6 preset layouts for users to control audio......
4. AndrOSC
A modular OSC interface in which you can create and customize templates.This app is an improvement on my earlier app called QuickOSC . You can create and modify templates inside your device, without using any external editing software in your desktop.This is a free and open-source project. If......
5. Osc Synth
Create your own retro sounds and tweek the parameters as you play. Choose from sine, saw or square waves. Annother key feature is the keyboard, which a scale can be applied to. This way you'll never have to play a false note!Powered by Pure Data (sound synthesis) and Libgdx (graphics)......
6. MyOSC
YOU NEED THE TOUCHOSC BRIDGE TO USE THIS WITH YOUR PC/MAC.(Sorry for the lack of updates as of recent. I've got exams this week. Expect to see more updates starting around the 14th.)MyOSC is an updated alternative to TouchOSC for Android. It provides compatibility with TouchOSC custom layout files and......
7. OSC-Commander
OSC-Commander is a powerful OSC-Controller for Android. It provides bi-dimensional OSC communication with the ability to daisy-chain a theoretically unlimited amount of devices.Preconfigured layouts are delivered for RME's TotalMixFX but you can create your own layouts using an easy to control but powerful editor.For......
8. Control (OSC + MIDI)
Control enables users to create their own interfaces for controlling musical, artistic and virtual reality applications. It is built on top of the WebKit rendering engine and allows users to define their interfaces via JSON files. Features include:- Outputs Open Sound Control (OSC). MIDI coming soon!- Handles multitouch on devices......

9. OSCdroid
OSCdroid is a nifty tool, meant for prototyping, manipulate values of your interactive application and control music applications such as Pure Data, MAX/MSP, etc using the OSC protocol.OSCdroid is in BETA so it contains some bugs, a much improved version will be released during the second half of July! Meanwhile......
10. MuseScore
MuseScore is a free music notation and composition software available for Linux, Windows and Mac. It allows for fast and easy note entry on a virtual note sheet. It has an integrated sequencer to allow for immediate playback of the score. MuseScore can import and export MusicXML and standard Midi......
11. Mainstage 2
MainStage 2 lets you take your Mac to the stage with a full-screen live interface, unmatched hardware control, and a massive collection of plug-ins and sounds.......
12. Phasex
PHASEX is an experimental software synthesizer for use with Linux/ALSA/JACK. The name comes partially from its experimental method of using phase offset modulation, where each oscillator can have its phase offset between right and left channels modulated by an LFO or another oscillator.......
13. MIDI to MP3 for MAC
Convert your .mid files to .mp3 format easily and perfectly. Nice features such as built-in sound normalization, settings readjustment, intuitional application window and multi handling let to transmute MIDI songs to universal MP3 fast and with high quality of output music. ACCEPTED FORMATS“MIDI to MP3” conversion utility accepts files with......
Touchosc Key Bridge
14. capella
Touchosc Bridge Download Mac
With capella you can instantly create complete scores. No other notation program will take you by the hand and gently guide you towards your first own score in the manner in which capella does it. There is no need to be fully computer literate - you just follow your musical......
15. Absynth
Touchosc Windows 10
ABSYNTH 5 is an exceptional synthesizer with unique sonic potential and more than 2,100 preset sounds. Its speciality is a limitless spectrum of unusual, evolving sounds created using the powerful, hybrid synthesis architecture and sophisticated modulation and effect system - resulting in sounds far removed from the everyday. What's more......